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Business Partnerships: Make your Decision Wisely!

The Best Partnerships aren’t dependent on a mere common goal but on a shared path of Passion , Dedication & a Desireto win no matter what !! Over the years I’ve heard of so many horror stories of people going into business together ! Before you decide to join forces and start a partnership with your “homeboy” or “homegirl” ask yourself, ” Are you willing to hang in there with this person through the celebrations and failures? The curveballs and the monotony? Can you accept that the little things about them that may annoy you now could only magnify under stress?” Communication is Key A partnership is very similar to a marriage , where it is a constant work in...

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Choosing Your E-Commerce Platform

Let’s start from the beginning. E-Commerce is essentially selling consumer goods or services online. It is important to be thoughtful in selecting a platform to host your products because you want to make sure it makes sense for the type of store you need, and the features you want.  There are tons of e-commerce platforms, but I’ll show you the pros and cons of the five most popular.  Shopify:This takes the number one spot because it is my favorite. It is used by a lot of your favorite brands and big-box retailers due to its efficiency, and plugins to increase scaling. It also includes hosting and security, plus don’t have to know how to code to build your site. The...

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The Story of Hair Are Us: From the Trunks of our Cars to a Million Dollar Business!

Plan, Prepare , Execute Khat and I were up one night venting about our everyday hustles/ jobs. We were both looking for something new and it wasn't until we put our passion for hair together and came up with a bright idea to sell hair extensions. With Khat being a licensed hairstylist and myself always being her muse it only made sense. Please keep in mind that at the time this was not popular as it is today. In 2020 it seems like everyone from my mamma to the man at the car wash is "slanging bundles". The year was 2011 and with $2,000 dollars we started Hair Are Us . We Took So Many L's From the idea of...

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10 Shopify Tips to Grow Your ECommerce Store

What’s the best platform to sell your consumer goods online? Shopify by far! The platform can be a little overwhelming when you first start using it, but I have you covered. My Tips Select the right theme First, you need to select a theme to customize. Your homepage should look great, while also being clean and professional. Aim to look like one of the many major corporations who use Shopify to host their site. An aesthetically pleasing homepage can push your audience from perceiving your site as an amateur side hustle to a serious business.   Make sure you are testing your store’s mobile setting Many people forget to view and test the store’s mobile setting. As a result, the...

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